
5 Tips for Hiring the Perfect Designer for YOU by Paula

Hiring a Designer Series - Part 2

Once you have decided to seek professional help for your design project, the next step is finding the perfect person to do the job!

This step of deciding who to hire can be just as difficult, or more difficult, as the previous step of deciding to hire a professional. So, we have provided you with some tips that should help you find the perfect designer that is right for your project & your style!

[more details to follow the image]

Tips for Hiring a Designer (1)-perfect

Details for hiring the Perfect Interior Designer:

1. Do Your Research 

It is important to research designers to see if they are licensed and how many years of experience they have. Registered Interior Designers have a very broad range of skill sets. Looking for designers that specialize in the type of project you want to do can help you narrow down quickly! Visiting their website and Houzz profile is also a good first step when researching.

2. Know Your Style

Once you know the design style you want to achieve—traditional, contemporary, eclectic, transitional, etc.—then you can explore the work of designers in your area & find the best fit for you! Also, if you do not find any local designers you are interested in, many people work with designers from other cities, states, and even countries.

3. Consider Compatibility

After you have chosen your top designers, the interview process begins! As you meet the different designers, note their personalities, hobbies, communication style, etc. If you “click” with the designer on multiple levels the whole process will be more fun! Projects typically go more smoothly when personalities match.

4. Know the Designer's Ability

If you are looking to hire someone for an extensive remodel project, be sure that the designer has experience in this. For instance, Paula is a Registered Interior Designer that worked at an architecture firm for 10 years, so she can easily draw new construction plans for a remodel or addition.

5. Be Honest & Open

When you are meeting potential designers it is better to talk about too much than not enough. The more you get to know them initially, the easier it will be to choose a designer. Also, make sure to discuss your budget and your time frame realistically. These are 2 huge factors the designer will need to know to keep you happy!

**In the next few weeks we will wrap up this “Hiring a Designer Series” and talk about what to do once you've hired that perfect designer!

If you have any further questions for us, we would be happy to help answer them! Contact us here.


Part 1 - Are you Ready to Hire an Interior Designer?

Part 3 - 5 Things to Expect after Hiring an Interior Designer

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