Faux Plants? No longer Faux Pas! / by Paula

If you come from the South, you have probably heard people say: “Your grandmother would roll over in her grave if she knew you had that fake plant in your house!”

black thumbBut, if you have a black thumb (like me) and a strong desire to not shame your ancestors, I am here to tell you how to make a faux plant no longer a “Faux Pas” in your home!

Faux comes in Plastic, Silk, Rubber and Preserved plants.

In areas high up, where some pop of color is needed, go with the less expensive plastic style plants.


Down low, where it can be seen and touched, spend a little extra for the nice silk or preserved plant.

preserved boxwood


Below are a few things to consider when searching for the perfect faux plant: topiary


1. All visible stems, branches and trunks should appear realistic.


2. There should be a combination of new growth and old growth.


3. Plants and flowers should have the same variations in color, texture and density that   live plants do.


4. Make sure the plant is full and pliable so it can be shaped to look more realistic.


5. Don’t cheap out on your vase. Make sure the size of the vase is large enough to support   the tree if it were real.




Keeping artificial plants looking their best usually requires no more than dusting or wiping with a damp cloth. Many can be rinsed off in the shower or with a hose on gentle setting. However, if the plant starts to fade,  it is time to throw it out.

The more popular styles in faux are the tall bamboo plants and palms seen in bedrooms and living rooms, as well as the tiny succulents for the formal table, shelves, or kitchen island.

faux palm

You will know you have achieved success in your faux search when you walk in on your mom watering the preserved areca palm in the corner of your living room.

Where can you find these high quality “Fauxs” you might ask?  Some of my favorite places that sell to the public include:

www.fancyplantsinsilk.com  and  www.wayfair.com


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