
5 Tips to get organized for Back to School by Paula

With the kids starting back to school, this is the perfect time to get everyone organized!  

Consider the following home updates to help with all the back to school madness:


  1. Prepare the entry Point

    • Wherever your family comes and goes is bound to be one of the messiest places in your home. The kids throw their backpacks down, everyone leaves their dirty shoes sitting out and stacks of coats are piling up.
    • Consider mounting wall hooks or installing a shelving unit so that everyone has their own designated cubby and tabletop to set things on. This way everything will be tucked away.

mud room organization

  1. Post a Schedule

    • Invest in a large calendar for the kitchen or a common area.
    • OR consider putting chalkboard paint on a wall that everyone passes—there you can write upcoming events, to-do’s for the kids & fun messages! We love this idea.

chalk board organized


  1. Clean out the Closets

    • As the kids grow they need to be getting rid of and donating things that no longer fit them. Before you go back to school shopping, help them clean out their closets so you know exactly what they need when you shop!
    • Also clean out any old school books from last year so things don’t pile up and their storage drawers are clean and organized for this school year.

container store Organized

  1. Stock the Pantry

    • Organize the pantry with snack bins, fruit & veggie bins, etc. With organized bins that are stocked up, it will be easy for the kids to pack their lunch or help themselves to a snack when they get home!

back to school organized

  1. Organize YOUR office

    • While you’re doing all these things for the kids to get ready for back to school, why not take some time to organize your space? Besides, you’ll probably be getting more work done now with the kids out of the house, so you’ll want an organized area to work in.

desk organized


Are you wanting to get a little more organized but not sure where to start?  We are here to help!  Give us a call and we can get you on the road to organization.


Click here to see more blog posts by Paula Ables Interiors.  

Spring Cleaning by Paula

Spring is officially here! This means hot days on the lake, dinners on the back patio, long walks in the park with the dog, and much more fun outdoors! But, it also means it's time to get our hands dirty and do some deep cleaning... Luxe Article-pg8-pic only-cleaning

Many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of Spring cleaning and dread a weekend full of organizing and updating, so they just never do it. Others get inspired and excited at the idea of Spring cleaning and make a huge to do list that is often unreachable.

Neither mindset will get you a cleaner, neater house or give you a sense of accomplishment. So, we are here to help narrow down what to focus on during your Spring cleaning this year!


1. De-Clutter

Tax season is upon us!  Go through all the piles of papers and junk that are taking over your counters and desktops. Either throw things out or file them away.

Once the papers and piles are removed or stored then vacuum or wipe down the new empty space.

This step in cleaning will give you instant gratification and hopefully inspire you to keep going! [Organization units by California Closets]


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2. Prep for "Prep Time"

I always hear people say, I really want to start cooking more! Well there's no better motivation than a shiny, clean kitchen.

Take the time to clear out your refrigerator & pantry.  Check expiration dates, throw out old food,  & spices.  Out with the old helps to make room for the new.  (Be brutal!  Are you ever really going to cook that "Dinner in a Jiffy" bag you bought at the flea market 2 years ago?)

You will feel amazing once you have put the pasta next to the pasta sauce and lined all of the cereal boxes up neatly in a row. This will also help you see what you need for cooking in your renewed kitchen!



3. Touch-Up Textiles

Another thing that many of us rarely do--have your rugs, drapes, pillows & other large textiles around the house deep cleaned. Go ahead, get rid of all that built up of dust and dirt! Breathe in the fresh Spring air!  (If you have a pet, you may want to put this on your list for at least twice a never know what those little rascals are up to)

Plan to hire a carpet cleaning company to get everything extra clean.  If you have an extra large, heavy rug, some companies even provide pickup and delivery! [Hart's, Stanley Steemer, Deep Eddy Rug Cleaners]



[image via google images]

4.  Get rid of it & Give Back

Now that you've rid yourself of the stacks of paper and clutter, it's time to get rid of the piles in your closet.

This is probably the part of Spring cleaning that people dread the most, however it can be the most rewarding.

As a rule of thumb get rid of any item of clothing you have not worn in the past year or 2. Don't make excuses & don't feel guilty about it! There are plenty of places you can take your clothing & give it to people in need. [Salvation Army, Paralyzed VeteransSafeplace, Dress for Success, Space Wise Organizing]




power wash-cleaning

[image via google images]

5. Power Wash 

If it's too nice outside for you to dedicate a whole day to inside cleaning, then get outside!

There are always weeds to pull, paint to touch up, shelves to organize in the garage, and even outdoor furniture to clean.

My personal favorite part of Spring Cleaning - power washing! Play fireman for a couple of hours and give your house a total face lift. You can rent power washers for pretty cheap if you don't have one [Home Depot, Jons Rental]



These 5 Spring cleaning goals may seem overwhelming, but accomplishing one or two of the items on this list will get you another step closer to a relaxing, organized life.

Break them up over a couple of weekends and don't forget to reward yourself with a glass of wine (or your reward of choice) before and after you have completed the task.

Happy Cleaning!


If you are looking for more than just a deep, Spring clean, and are interested in a total remodel or renovation, feel free to reach out to us!

Click here to see more blog posts by Paula Ables Interiors.

*All images in this post are from Paula Ables Interiors projects, unless otherwise noted