valley view

Elementary School Career Day by Paula

Career day at Valley View Elementary

Career day at Valley View Elementary in Austin, Texas (supporting the VVE Booster Club) is one of my favorite events of the year. We gather old kids magazines and discontinued fabrics from a few local stores, draw up a floor plan and off we go.

This year we had 31 kids (4th and 5th graders) choose "Interior Designer" as a career they wanted to learn more about. Some of the other careers that were available were Spa Owner, Photographer, Realtor, Wedding Planner, Doctor, Veterinarian, SWAT Team and Mounted Police. Can you imagine going up against policemen on horses for a tweens attention?!

We handed the kids a floor plan and a furniture template and requested they come up with their "Dream Bedroom" to present to the class at the end of the meeting time. It is amazing what those kids came up with in 30 minutes. Some preferred to draw only, while others picked fabric swatches and combed through every magazine I brought for ideas.

We had ladders to lofts above the beds, full functioning rooms that the kids would never have to leave except to request additional food. One girl even added on to the 18 x 25 room because she couldn't plan her bedroom without knowing where the bathroom door would be located.

Thank you to Valley View for allowing me to spend time with their wonderful and creative kids. I had a great time and can't wait to come back next year!

Below are some of the fun drawings and kids hard at work. There are some budding Designers and Architects in this mix. I will be able to say "I knew them when..."

Career Day

Career Day

Career Day

Career Day

Career Day

Career Day

Career Day