Hiring A Designer Series - Part 3
Hiring is fun. Let the process begin. You have done the research, interviewed multiple designers, and hired someone! Now what??
NOW the fun part! You get to start the creative, design process. And although the process is fun and exciting, with it comes a lot of things you may not expect!
Below we have listed 5 expectations to have after you've hired an interior designer to help provide a better understanding of what the project will involve.
[more details to follow the image]

1. Patience
As it's been said, patience is a virtue--especially when it comes to Interior Design Projects, or even general home projects.
The creative process takes time and shouldn't be rushed. And as it's also been said, results don't happen overnight--so if you don't expect them to, you will get the best results!
Recognize that there will be delays and that most items you want are not immediately available. Items usually have to be ordered and delays from manufacturers are a common occurrence. BUT it is worth the wait!
2. Communication
A man's favorite word...But seriously, the more you communicate with your designer and share your ideas, the happier you will be!
Be open to sharing your inspiration or thoughts. Then the designer can interpret them in his/her own way and get you what you want.
Also, if you don't like something don't be afraid to say so. And if you really like something then definitely say so, to help give clear direction.
3. Decision-Making
If you are great at making decisions the design process will probably go more quickly for you. Just be prepared to make a lot of decisions!
And if you are an indecisive person, don't worry! You have hired an interior designer to help guide you and make decisions for you! You just have to let go a little bit and trust them to work their magic.
4. Budgeting
As we discussed in Part 1 of this series, having a realistic budget for your project will make the process easier for all involved.
It will save the designer time when searching for products, and will save you stress about going over your limit.
Also, giving yourself a little "cushion" room for spending is extra important--there might be something you "can't live without" that's a little out of your price range; or, as mentioned, the process may take a bit longer than anticipated.
5. Trust
You did your research and found a designer you love, so trust them to lead the way.
You know you like their style and personality. You have given your list of wants and desires. So sit back and enjoy watching the process unfold!
The designer may show you things that are not on your list, and that make you think outside the box, but stay open. In the end, you will have a finished product that is all your own & totally you!
We hope our "Hiring a Designer" Series was enjoyable and insightful for you!
If you have any further questions about selecting and hiring a designer feel free to contact us here!
Part 1 - Are you Ready to Hire an Interior Designer?
Part 2 - 5 Tips for Hiring the Perfect Designer for YOU
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